我在使用自适应网格重画时出现如下错误?1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 2.15E-08 flush i/o buffers
1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 2.15E-08 write d3plot file
463 t 9.9973E-06 dt 2.15E-08 write d3plot file
928 t 1.9986E-05 dt 2.14E-08 write d3plot file
928 t 2.0007E-05 dt 2.14E-08 write adaptivity stress file
expanding memory to 25993093
Remeshing surface mesh
Minimum edge length = 4.00000E-01
Maximum edge length = 1.00000E+00
Volume before remeshing = 2.26528E+04
Volume after remeshing= 2.26525E+04
Relative volume change=-1.62956E-05
Mesh generation of tet elements
Mesh generation finished
expanding memory to 26303989
contracting memory to 1
expanding memory to 3002772
expanding memory to 5985544
expanding memory to 7158748
expanding memory to 20608222
expanding memory to 20638222
expanding memory to 20698222
expanding memory to 20718835
expanding memory to 20739035
expanding memory to 26904113
expanding memory to 27098647
expanding memory to 27293181
expanding memory to 27487715
expanding memory to 40892189
expanding memory to 41086723
expanding memory to 43032068
expanding memory to 43226602
expanding memory to 43421136
expanding memory to 43810204
expanding memory to 44006738
expanding memory to 44186738
928 t 2.0007E-05 dt 2.14E-08 increase bricks from155448 to744693
contracting memory to 1
expanding memory to 2
contracting memory to 1
expanding memory to 2387
expanding memory to 9985
expanding memory to 8388635
expanding memory to 25422409
expanding memory to 27656468
expanding memory to 28401161
expanding memory to 47670878
expanding memory to 47672904
expanding memory to 47673188
expanding memory to 47722528
expanding memory to 54254324
expanding memory to 57466090
*** Error Input error found
*** Error reading sliding interface control card no.1
928 t 2.0007E-05 dt 2.14E-08 write d3plot file
E r r o r t e r m i n a t i o n
我在仿真一塑料环套到钢环上,钢环有三瓣(120度一瓣)被塑料环束缚在一起,钢环前端受力,现在想仿真塑料环被撑断的过程,塑料环采用网格重画技术,但出现上面错误。他们之间用单面自动接触。 希望达人指点,自己顶一个 高手指点一下,急呀