yinyinboy 发表于 2006-9-24 16:44


使用VC和matlab混合编程,在VC中调用matlab生成的com组件,在自己的机子上编译等都已通过。换到另一台机子时(没有安装VC和matlab),我先安装MCRinstaller.exe,之后利用命令“regsvr32”,对matlab的com组件进行了注册,也显示注册成功,运行程序,当点击让其进行计算时,显示“MCR instance is not avileable”,请问高手这是什么原因造成的?是不是我没有使用将.dll和MCRinstaller.exe绑定在一起,在安装MCR的同时让其自动注册造成的?还是别的什么原因? :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

[ 本帖最后由 ericlin 于 2006-9-24 16:54 编辑 ]

AaronSpark 发表于 2006-9-25 07:36

Why do I receive an "MCRInstance not available" error when deploying an application built with MATLAB Compiler 4.0 (R14)?

Problem Description:
I am trying to run a stand-alone application that was generated with the MATLAB Compiler. However, I receive the following error message when I call the program:

MCRInstance not available

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:

This error may occur if the executable file cannot find either the required MATLAB run-time libraries or the CTF archive for your application.

First, check your system path to verify that the MATLAB run-time libraries can be found. If you are testing your application on a development Windows machine, confirm that $MATLAB\bin\win32, where $MATLAB is your root MATLAB directory, appears on your system path and ahead of any other MATLAB installations.

If you are working on a target Windows machine, verify that $MCR_ROOT\runtime\win32, where $MCR_ROOT is your root MATLAB Component Runtime directory, appears on your system path.

For help viewing or modifying the system path, see:


Next, verify that the .ctf archive file that the MATLAB Compiler generated in the build process resides in the same directory as your program's executable file.
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