wendy0505 发表于 2006-9-20 21:59



AaronSpark 发表于 2006-9-22 06:59


ncdDefault Topics   Nonlinear Control Design Blockset
Version 1.1.6 (R13)28-Jun-2002

Dialog Box Managers.
    coneddlg   - Manages a dialog box for the ncd Blockset Constraint editor.
    paramdlg   - Manages a dialog box for ncd Blockset Optimization Parameters.
    rangedlg   - Manages a dialog box for Axes Ranges.
    refdlg   - Manages a dialog box for ncd Blockset Reference Signal.
    stepdlg    - Manages a dialog box for ncd Step Response.
    uncerdlg   - Manages a dialog box for ncd Blockset Uncertain Variables.

Main interface.
    contrncd   - Creates the uicontrols for the ncd Blockset constraint figure.
    menuncd    - Creates the uimenus for the ncd Blockset constraint figure.
    ncdblock   - SIMULINK system containing the ncd block.
    rmsblock   - SIMULINK system with continuous and discrete RMS value blocks.
    slblocks   - Defines the block library for ncd Blockset.
    optblock   - Script which opens an ncd Blockset figure.
    optfig   - Creates an ncd Blockset constraint figure.

Main optimization.
    initresp   - Plots the initial response of the Simulink Model.
    costfun    - Cost function for ncd Blockset optimization.
    gradfun    - Gradient of the Cost function for ncd Blockset optimization.
    nlinopt    - Runs the optimization algorithm.
    copymdl    - Creates an augmented SL model, used in gradient finding.
    tvarset    - S-function to set the tunable parameters.

    ncddemo    - SIMULINK system containing all ncd Blockset demos.
    ncddemo1   - PID Controller.
    ncddemo2   - LQR with Feedforward Controller.
    ncddemo3   - MIMO PI Controller.
    ncddemo4   - Inverted Pendulum.
    rmsdemo    - SIMULINK system demo for using the RMS blocks.

    ncdtut1    - Control Design Example.
    ncdtut2    - System Identification Example.
    ncdtut2old - Old System Identification Example.

Demonstration and Tutorial Utilities.
    ncd1init   - Setup for optimization of ncddemo1.
    ncd2init   - Setup for optimization of ncddemo2.
    ncd3init   - Setup for optimization of ncddemo3.
    ncd4init   - Setup for optimization of ncddemo4.
    penddata   - Setup for ncdtut2.
    ncdtut2old.mat - Data for ncdtut2old.

Interface Utilities.
    bdncd      - ncd Blockset WindowButtonDownFcn.
    bmncd      - ncd Blockset WindowButtonMotionFcn
    buncd      - ncd Blockset WindowButtonUpFcn.
    curobj   - Provides information about what is under CurrentPoint.
    dividecb   - Divides constraint bounds in two.
    delline    - Deletes all plots from the ncd figure.
    donep      - Callback for the Close pushbutton and menu.
    errorncd   - Manages commonly generated ncd errors.Calls errordlg.
    fillaxes   - Creates the constraint bounds and does some data checking.
    keyncd   - ncd Blockset KeyPressFcn.
    loado      - Loads and displays ncd Blockset data.
    makesurf   - Creates and constraint bound surface and patch.
    snapncd    - Snaps constraint bar in 22.5 degree increments.
    refresho   - Makes the constraint matrix consistent with figure.
    saveload   - True if file is selected from SELECTFILE.
    texted   - Callback for Port editable text.
    undoncd    - Undoes the last ncd Blockset GUI operation.
    updatdlg   - Updates the ncd dialog boxes.

Optimization Utilities.
    convertm   - Converts constraint matrix into optimization format.
    minipars   - Miniparser for the ncd Blockset.
    montevar   - Initializes Monte Carlo simulations.
    ncdglob    - Defines ncd global variables.
    str2mat2   - Converts one row string into multi-row string.

Help text files (.hlp extension)
    ncdhelp    - Driver to pop up the ncd Blockset Help windows.
    hotkey   - Hot-key help
    mainncd    - General ncd help
    paramdlg   - Help on Optimization Parameters dialog box
    readncd    - Contains same info as Readme.m
    stepdlg    - Help on Step Response dialog box
    uncerdlg   - Help on Uncertain Variables dialog box
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