我最近做了一块板的有限元分析,上表面加均布荷载,四边固支,由于对称性,我取1/4板建立模型,然后在两个面上施加对称约束,求解也成功了,显示的1/4模型的变形也对,但是不知道怎么显示整个模型,哪位高手给说一下?PlotCtrls>Style>Symmetry Expansion>...
下面不知道该选哪个了 看下/expand命令,写的很详细的。
/EXPAND, Nrepeat1, Type1, Method1, DX1, DY1, DZ1, Nrepeat2, Type2, Method2, DX2, DY2, DZ2, Nrepeat3, Type3, Method3, DX3, DY3, DZ3
Allows the creation of a larger graphic display than represented by the actual finite element analysis model.
POST1: Special Purpose
MP ME ST DY <> PR <> <> <> PP ED
Nrepeat1, Nrepeat2, Nrepeat3
The number of repetitions required for the element pattern. The default is 0 (no expansion).
Type1, Type2, Type3
The type of expansion requested.
RECT—Causes a Cartesian transformation of DX, DY, and DZ for each pattern (default).
POLAR—Causes a polar transformation of DR, D-Theta and DZ for each pattern.
AXIS—Causes 2-D axisymmetric expansion (that is, rotates a 2-D model created in the X-Y plane about the Y axis to create a 3-D model).
LRECT—Causes a Cartesian transformation of DX, DY, and DZ for each pattern about the current local coordinate system (specified via the CSYS command).
LPOLAR—Causes a polar transformation of DR, D-Theta, and DZ for each pattern about the local coordinate system (specified via the CSYS command).
Method1, Method2, Method3
The method by which the pattern is repeated.
FULL—Causes a normal repeat of the pattern (default).
HALF—Uses a symmetry transformation for alternate repeats (to produce an image of a complete circular gear from the image of half a tooth, for example).
DX1, DY1, DZ1, DX2, DY2, DZ2, DX3, DY3, DZ3
The Cartesian or polar increments between the repeated patterns. Also determines the reflection plane. Reflection is about the plane defined by the normal vector (DX, DY, DZ). If you want no translation, specify a small nonzero value. For a half-image expansion, the increment DX, DY, or DZ is doubled so that POLAR,HALF, ,45 produces full images on 90° centers, and RECT,HALF, ,1 produces full images on 2-meter centers. 还是整不出来啊,哪位高手帮忙一下
现在比较急用 2楼的就是把帮助文件拿过来,我现在还没有理解完,急啊 在菜单plotCtrls->style->symmetry expansion中去选择。 这个菜单我已经试过很多次了,就是显示不了全模型
能不能说的具体一点? 第一个,1/4dihedral sym这个选项就可以了! 难道忘 了点replot? 我刷新了很多次,就是没有反应