mxtfirst 发表于 2005-9-2 08:47

[转帖]爱情的动力系统--Lover Affaires and Differential Equ...

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  关于爱情的动力系统--Lover Affaires and Differential Equations

  Steven H. Strogatz发表在1988年第61期的Mathematics Magazine上。

  选自广成子如是说的博客 细节于 2004年 09月17日 20 : 53



  由Steven H. Strogatz发表在1988年第61期的Mathematics Magazine上,名为"Lover

  affaires and differential equations"。据说做数学的人碰到一起,一般只谈两个













  轨道(closed orbit),在这条轨道上,不是R追J就是J追R,总之两人是有缘无份。

  如果初始点是在原点,原点是一个不动点(fixed point),那么他们处于相对稳定的






  如果a>0和b>0,那么Romeo是一个对感情特别卖力的人(eager beaver),Juliet对他一分


  谨慎的爱人(cautious lover):自己好象不是帅哥,人家为什么要对自己好?由此可以讨

  论出很多有趣的例子,并且更具有理论挑战性的是:eager beaver和cautious lover之间是


  Love Affairs and Differential Equations


  Harvard University

  Cambridge, MA 02138


  Harvard University

  Cambridge, MA 02138

  The purpose of this note is to suggest an unusual approach to the teaching of some standard

  material about systems of coupled ordinary differential equations. The approach relates

  the mathematics to a topic that is already on the minds of many college students: the

  time-evolution of a love affair between two people. Students seem to enjoy the material,

  taking an active role in the construction, solution, and interpretation of the equations.

  The purpose of this note is to suggest an unusual approach to the teaching of some standard

  material about systems of coupled ordinary differential equations. The approach relates

  the mathematics to a topic that is already on the minds of many college students: the

  time-evolution of a love affair between two people. Students seem to enjoy the material,

  taking an active role in the construction, solution, and interpretation of the equations.

  The essence of the idea is contained in the following example.

  The essence of the idea is contained in the following example.

  Juliet is in love with Romeo, but in our version of this story, Romeo is a fickle lover.

  The more Juliet loves him, the more he begins to dislike her. But when she loses interest,

  his feelings for her warm up. She, on the other hand, tends to echo him: her love grows

  when he loves her, and turns to hate when he hates her.

  A simple model for their ill-fated romance is

  dr/dt =-aj,

  dj/dt = br,


  r(t) = Romeo's love/hate for Juliet at time t j(t) = Juliet's love/hate for Romeo at time t.

  Positive values of r, j signify love, negative values signify hate. The parameters a, b are

  positive, to be consistent with the story.

  The sad outcome of their affair is, of course, a neverending cycle of love and hate; their

  governing equations are those of a simple harmonic oscillator. At least they manage to achieve

  simultaneous love one-quarter of the time.

  As one possible variation, the instructor may wish to discuss the more general second-order

  linear system

  dr/dt =a11r+a12j

  Positive values of r, j signify love, negative values signify hate. The parameters a, b are

  positive, to be consistent with the story.

  The sad outcome of their affair is, of course, a neverending cycle of love and hate; their

  governing equations are those of a simple harmonic oscillator. At least they manage to achieve

  simultaneous love one-quarter of the time.

  As one possible variation, the instructor may wish to discuss the more general second-order

  linear system

  dr/dt =a11r+a12j

  dj/dt=a21r +a22j,

  where the parameters aik (i, k = 1,2) may be either positive or negative. A choice of sign

  specifies the romantic style. As named by one of my students, the choice a11, a12 > 0 characterizes

  an "eager beaver" someone both excited by his partner's love for him and further spurred on by

  his own affectionate feelings for her. It is entertaining to name the other three possible styles,

  and also to contemplate the romantic forecast for the various pairings. For instance, can a

  cautious lover (a11 < 0, a12 > 0) find true love with an eager-beaver?

  Additional complications may be introduced in the name of realism or mathemati?cal interest.

  Nonlinear terms could be included to prevent the possibilities of unbounded passion or disdain. Poets have

  long suggested that the equations should be nonautonomous ("In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns

  to thoughts of love"---Tennyson). Finally, the term "many-body problem" takes on new meaning in this context.

happyhill 发表于 2005-9-7 10:18


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