shenzh 发表于 2006-8-29 20:07


我导入以三维网格文件,出现以下 检查网格失败,并不是由于负体积的原因。请问是为什么呀!谢谢!
Grid Check

Domain Extents:
   x-coordinate: min (m) = -9.875000e+01, max (m) = 1.592497e+02
   y-coordinate: min (m) = -1.974995e+02, max (m) = 5.000000e+01
   z-coordinate: min (m) = -1.110223e-14, max (m) = 7.939464e+01
Volume statistics:
   minimum volume (m3): 8.173267e-02
   maximum volume (m3): 6.037908e+01
   total volume (m3): 1.350103e+06
Face area statistics:
   minimum face area (m2): 7.331448e-03
   maximum face area (m2): 3.254842e+01
Checking number of nodes per cell.
Checking number of faces per cell.
Checking thread pointers.
Checking number of cells per face.
Checking face cells.
Checking bridge faces.
Checking right-handed cells.
Checking face handedness.
   Zone   5: 153455 right-handed,   1 left-handed
Checking element type consistency.
Checking boundary types:
Checking face pairs.
Checking periodic boundaries.
Checking node count.
Checking nosolve cell count.
Checking nosolve face count.
Checking face children.
Checking cell children.
Checking storage.

WARNING: Grid check failed.

wangxyln 发表于 2006-8-30 18:44


shenzh 发表于 2006-8-30 20:12

原帖由 cora 于 2006-5-26 09:09 发表
Zone   1: 24703 right-handed,   3 left-handed<BR><BR>因为出现了3 left-handed网格,所以出错<BR><BR>只要在设置grid interface时,把那两个面的位置换一下或者在text command中使用 ...
其中的“在设置grid interface时,把那两个面的位置换一下”是什么意思呀,谢谢指点一下!

wangxyln 发表于 2006-9-1 20:49

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查看完整版本: 检查网格出现此种问题是何种原因,请指教!