在钢管用solid45可以吗,但是在划分结点集中的地方好像划分单元不理想总是出现好多警告?望高手告知 二位用beam3,三维用beam4,建模时先画出node,再画element,这样就不用划分网格,直接加载载荷。
由于beam3节点有3个自由度,beam4节点有6个自由度,因此节点就是刚接的。 同意楼上的观点 对不起,我没有说明白,我说的是钢结构中的相贯节点分析,
(如图)出现如下警告,怎么解决??,我用的 是smart,7自由划分网格形式,出现这些警告对结果没影响吧????
*** WARNING *** CP= 84.702 TIME= 09:54:43
Shape testing revealed that 40 of the 13517 new or modified elements
violate shape warning limits.To review test results, please see the
output file or issue the CHECK command.
*** WARNING *** CP= 78.763 TIME= 09:54:36
Mid-nodes of some elements have been modified to lie on straight edges
because of distortion with the original mid-nodes.This condition is
sometimes eliminated by tetrahedron element improvement when enabled.
Issue ESEL,,STRAIGHTENED to select such elements for listing or
plotting. 第一个警告没有什么问题,第二个没有遇到过,应该也是没有问题的
你求解一下看看 *** ERROR *** CP= 431.741 TIME= 15:24:44
Sparse Matrix Solver failure.Please check the error file (file.err)
for possible causes.
*** ERROR *** CP= 433.273 TIME= 15:34:49
Bisection may be activated if it is a nonlinear analysis.
0***** process error reported by subroutine xdslvf
see xdslvf abstract (ier =-410)
*** ERROR *** CP= 642.894 TIME= 16:07:06
Sparse Matrix Solver failure.Please check the error file (file.err)
for possible causes.
*** ERROR *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP= 643.696 TIME= 16:08:05
Bisection may be activated if it is a nonlinear analysis.
*** WARNING *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP= 645.118 TIME= 16:09:30
At this abort point, the single-frame restart file may not be complete.
Use multi-frame restart from the last successfully converged substep.
*** WARNING *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP= 645.128 TIME= 16:09:31
The unconverged solution (identified as time 1 substep 999999) is
output for analysis debug purposes.Results should not be used for
any other purpose.
计算出现这个问题怎么解决啊 怎么没人回答啊 求解方法选择不对,你用的是稀疏矩阵求解方法,建议你让程序自己选择,就是在设置求解控制选项时!