redelf 发表于 2006-7-19 11:29


function y=mminterp(a,b, col, val)

%MMINTERP 1-D Table Search by Linear Interpolation.

%Y=MMINTERP(TAB,COL,VAL) linearly interpolates the table

%TAB searching for the scalar value VAL in the column COL.

%All crossings are found and TAB(:,COL) need not be monotonic.

%Each crossing is returned as a separate row in Y and Y has as

%many columns as TAB.Naturally,the column COL of Y contains

%the value VAL. If VAL is not found in the table,Y=.

%Copyright (c) 1996 by Prentice-Hall,Inc.

if length(val) > 1,error(' VAL must be a scalar. '),end

if col>ct|col < 1,error(' Chosen column outside table width. '),end

if rt < 2,error(' Table too small or not oriented in columns. '),end

above=tab(: , col) > val;%True where > VAL

below=tab(: , col) < val;%True where < VAL

equal=tab(: , col) == val;%True where = VAL

if all(above == 0) | all(below == 0),%handle simplest case

y=tab(find(equal), : );return


pslope=find(below(1:rt-1)&above(2:rt));%indices where slope is +

nslope=find(below(2:rt)&above(1:rt-1));%indices where slope is -

ib=sort();%put indices below in order

ia=sort();%put indices above in order

ie=find(equal);%indices where equal to val

=sort( );%find where equals fit in result

ieq=ix > length(ib);%True where equals values fit

ry=length(tmp);%# of rows in result y

y=zeros(ry, ct);%poke data into a zero matrix


alpha=alpha(: , ones(1, ct));%duplicate for all columns

y(~ieq, : )=alpha.*tab(ia, : )+(1-alpha).*tab(ib, : );%interpolated values

y(ieq, : )=tab(ie, : );%equal values

y( : , col)=val*ones(ry, 1);%remove roundoff error

但是做成com组件在vb里面调用时,当我输出msgbox y(1)时提示下标越界

redelf 发表于 2006-7-19 11:54

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