adminftp 发表于 2005-8-11 10:47


本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-28 13:10 编辑


  Beginning August 15th 2005, we will initiate a process that will lead individual users of the Wiley InterScience website, who access online subscriptions via a username and password, toward registration with a valid e-mail address in place of a self-selected username.

  The purpose of this change is to help reduce duplicate accounts, allow legitimate users to consolidate their access under one, easy-to-remember login, and to prevent unauthorized access to journal content with false personal information. Requiring an e-mail address as a username has become increasingly common for online logins and is standard practice among such high-profile commercial websites as Amazon, Ebay, PayPal, and Barnes and

  After the launch of this new system, when an individual who is an existing Wiley InterScience registered user enters their current username-based login the following will occur:

  User enters current login and password

  User is prompted to establish his or her identity by entering a full name, country, and area of academic/professional interest, along with a single valid e-mail address

  User receives a one-time confirmation e-mail, then clicks on the link in the e-mail to confirm. The verification process is complete.

  (note: confirmation links expire after 24 hours; after that, user can re-submit their info, if necessary)

  This is a one-time process. Aside from the confirmation e-mail, users will not be sent any promotional e-mail from Wiley unless they explicitly opt-in to receive such messages. As company policy, Wiley never sells, rents, or loans its e-mail records to third-parties. View our privacy policy.

  For individuals registering with Wiley InterScience for the first time, the initial registration process will be adjusted to include the need for a valid e-mail address.

  If you have any questions or concerns, contact Wiley InterScience Customer Support.

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