nochance 发表于 2006-6-13 18:20


<P>刚才想help一下int,但是给出的不是我想要的积分说明,而是<BR>INT   Convert a FILTSTATES.CIC object to an integer matrix.<BR>    INT(Hs) returns an signed integer matrix for the FILTSTATES.CIC<BR>    object.<BR> <BR>    EXAMPLE:<BR>    Hm = mfilt.cicdecim;<BR>    hs = Hm.states; % Returns a FILTSTATES.CIC object<BR>    states = int(hs); % Convert object to a signed integer matrix.<BR> <BR>    See also filtstates/cic.</P>
<P>    Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)<BR>       help sym/int.m<BR>       help char/int.m</P>
<P>    Reference page in Help browser<BR>       doc int<BR>进入帮助里面找,发现叫int的有三个,工具箱里有一个,函数有一个,那么我该如何设置,才能让help int显示我想要的那个函数而不是工具箱里面的命令呢?</P>
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