The 16th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (ISMB16) will take place Monday through Friday, August 13-17, 2018, at Beijing International Convention Center (www.bicc.com.cn) in Beijing, China. The primary aim of ISMB16 is to promote scientific and technological exchanges among researchers and engineering practitioners around the world.The ISMB has been providing a unique opportunity to meet professional colleagues in the field of magnetic bearing research and applications around the world.
[*]Active magnetic bearings (AMB)
[*]Passive magnetic bearings (PMB)
[*]Electrodynamic bearings (EDB)
[*]Superconducting magnetic bearings (SMB)
[*]Hybrid bearing systems
[*]Smart bearings Sensors, actuators, power electronics for magnetic bearings
[*]Self-sensing (sensorless) techniques
[*]Modeling, simulation, design and identification
[*]Advanced control
[*]Rotor dynamics
[*]Safety and reliability aspects
[*]Fault detection, diagnosis and tolerance
[*]Back up / touch down bearings
[*]Components and materials industrial, medical and aerospace applications
[*]Blood pumps, vacuum pumps and canned pumps
[*]Ultra high speed bearings
[*]Micro bearings
[*]Electromagnetic suspensions (EMS)
[*]Electrodynamic suspensions (EDS)
[*]Diamagnetic levitation
[*]Electrostatic levitation
[*]Maglev Train
[*]Magnetic Transmission
[*]Other related new fields