qiekenao 发表于 2017-12-19 13:36




  About vs. approximately  除了科技写作外,About是英文里最常用的词语。在科技写作中,优选approximately。

  Accept vs. except  accept某事/物就是接受它或认为其合适。例如:
  “Most scientists accept Darwin’s theory of evolution.”
  “Student members of the society are excepted from paying membership dues.”

  Accord vs. accordance  accord即协议。例如:
  “The Paris Accord is a climate agreement.”
  “The enzyme levels in the HeLa cells were in accordance with previous studies.”

  Adapt vs. adopt  在科学领域,adapt指的是改变或修改某事/物用于另一种用途。例如:
  “The protocol of Sambrook et al. (1989) was adapted in the following way.”
  “The protocol of Yu et al. (2001) was adopted.”

  Adverse vs. averse  Adverse指的是有害的或令人不快的事/物。例如:
  “a drug can have an adverse effect”
  “She was averse to asking for advice about her failed experiment.”

  Affect vs. effect  affect(动词)某事/物即影响它,而effect (名词)是对某事/物有影响的某事/物。例如:
  “The relative humidity in the chamber affects the growth of the plants.”
  “The relative humidity in the chamber has an effect on the growth of the plants.”

  Alternate vs. alternative  作为形容词,alternate是泛指替代,而alternative 通常是更好的选择。例如:
  “We can synthesize this compound via the alternate reaction.”
  “We can synthesize this compound via the alternative Michael addition.”
  “He is a good alternate for the keynote speaker.”
  “He is a good alternative to the keynote speaker.”

  Analog vs. analogue  Analog应在提及计算机或电子学时使用。Analogue应该在要表达某物和另一事物相似时使用,或用于化合物。

  As yet; as of yet  避免使用这两个短语。用yet,still或so far代替。

  At the present time;  at this time; at present  这些可以用更简单的now,today或currently替换。

  At the time that;  at the time when  避免使用这些短语。when这个词效果最好。

  By means of  用这个短语是不必要的冗长。用by或with代替。

  Compare with vs. compare to  这些短语经常互换使用,但它们有细微的区别。在同时比较相同点和不同点时用compare with。当你想要强调事物之间的相同点时用compare to。例如:
  “The percent yield with our method was higher and lower compared with the yields obtained by Brett et al. and Tsing et al., respectively.”
  用compare to的例子是:
  “The morphological changes were similar compared to those observed by Kwak et al.”

  Comprise vs. compose  这两个词经常被混淆。要记住这些词的用法,记住“The whole comprises the parts,” “整体包含部分”以及“The parts compose the whole.” “部分组成整体”。例如,你可以写成:
  “The genus Glycine comprises several species, including max and soja.”
  “The species max, soja, and others compose the genus Glycine.”

  Criteria  Criteria是criterion的复数。写成criterias是错误的。

  Data  在科技写作中,data是复数;datum是单数。

  Disk vs. disc  除了某些专业术语以外,Disk是最通用的拼写。请核实那么领域特有的术语以确定该使用disk还是disc。例如,你可以写:
  “disc gel electrophoresis” “圆盘凝胶电泳”
  “disk drive” “磁盘驱动器”

  Due to the fact that  这过于冗长了。保持简洁,用because代替.

  Either...or  如果单独使用either作主语,必须用单数动词。例如,你可以写成:
  “Either buffer works for gel electrophoresis.”
  如果用 “either…or”,句子必须是平行结构的。例如:
  “Either the DNA or the RNA can be diluted using DEPC water.”

  Farther vs. further  通常,这些词被互换使用,并且这是可接受的。然而,习惯上farther指的是物理距离,而further则指的是无法测量的距离。例如,按惯例你应该写成:
  “The restriction fragments of BamHI migrated farther than those generated by SacI,”
  “Further study is needed to understand the mechanism underlying the virus’ entry into the host.”

  First, second, third vs.  firstly, secondly, thirdly  First、second、third是优选用于列表的形式,但使用firstly、secondly、thirdly也没错。

  I.e. vs. e.g.  I.e.是 id est或 “that is”的缩写。E.g.是exempli gratia或 “for example”的缩写。如果用这些缩写,则应该带有逗号。

  If vs. whether  在科技写作中,用whether更合适。

  Impact; impactful  请注意impact不是动词,虽然它经常被这样误用。它是个名词。因此:
  “This research will have a large impact on the field,”
  “This research will impact the field,”
  “This research will have a large effect/influence on the field.”

  Imply vs. infer  Imply意思是暗示或提示,而infer意思是推论。例如,你可以写成:
  “The increased enzyme activity during gastric cancer implies that the enzyme plays a role in gastric cancer,”
  “Because the enzyme activity was increased during the initiation of cell division, we inferred that it played a role in this process.”

  Induce vs. deduce  用于科技写作中时Induce和deduce是相反的。Induce意思是基于观察形成普遍原理,而deduce意思是基于普遍原理的使用得出结论。例如:
  “Based on close observation of the flora and fauna of the Galapagos Islands, Darwin induced his theory of evolution,”
  “We were able to deduce that the genes would be closely related between the two species of fly based on the theory of evolution.”

  In order to; in order for  保持简洁,只用to或for。

  In regard to  这个短语是正确的,但它可以用诸如about、regarding或concerning的词简化。

  Irregardless  这不是个真实的词。别被骗使用它。Regardless或irrespective才是正确的。例如,你可以写成:
  “Regardless of the wind speeds, we were able to obtain depth data.”

  Its vs. it’s  Its和it’s经常被混淆,但its是it的所有格,而it’s是it is的缩写。例如:
  “Its radioactive nature was detected using a Geiger counter.”
  “It’s a challenging time to be a researcher.”

  Lead  在科学领域,lead是一种金属,而动词lead的过去式是led而不是lead。例如:
  “The results led us to conclude that there was no correlation between the two factors.”

  Less vs. fewer  体积或质量用less,例如:
  “Less buffer was needed for running the smaller agarose gel.”
  “Fewer bacteria were found in the water column.”
  “Fewer data were obtained for the swamp transect.”

  Media vs. mediums  在科学领域以及在讨论大众传媒时,medium的复数是media。例如:
  “The bacteria only grew on two of the three media tested.”

  Neither...nor  这个构造遵循和either...or同样的规则。

  On the one hand/on the other hand  使用时,这两句必须一起使用。例如:
  “On the one hand, my results support my hypothesis. On the other hand, they are opposite to those obtained by Greer et al. (2001).”
  虽然技术层面上讲是正确的,但使用on the one hand/on the other hand太冗长了。上述例句可以更简单地写成:
  “My results support my hypothesis. However, they are opposite to those obtained by Greer et al. (2001).”
  也可使用While、whereas以及in contrast来直截了当地表达相同的观点。

  Partly vs. partially  这两个词都表示“某种程度上”或“部分地”。然而,partially还有额外的“不完全地”的意思。例如:
  “The cell culture contamination is partly responsible for the failure of the experiment.”
  “The cellulose was partially converted to sugars by cellulase.”

  Peak vs. peek  peak (名词)即顶端,而peek是快速的一瞥。例如:
  “The peak level of hemoglobin was achieved when the root nodules were initially formed.”
  “Hemoglobin peaked 7 days post-inoculation with the symbiont.”

  Phenomena  Phenomena是phenomenon的复数。Phenomenas是错误的。

  Principle vs. principal  作为名词,principle即规则,而principal是最高权力机构的人。例如:
  “Archimedes’ principle can explain why boats can float.”
  “The principal of the private school was strict.”
  “The principal factor in the patient’s demise was an overdose of warfarin.”

  Proved vs. proven  Proved是动词prove的过去式,而proven是个形容词。例如:
  “The Hershey-Chase experiments proved that DNA was the genetic material.”
  “The Hershey-Chase experiments had proven that DNA was the genetic material.”
  “SDS-PAGE is a proven technique for separating proteins based on their molecular weights.”

  Regime vs. regimen  请注意这是两个意思非常不同的词。regime是一段统治时期、一种政体或一种社会制度,而regimen是一种系统的计划。

  Respective; Respectively  这些词意味着两个不同系列的组元间的一一对应。如果只有一个系列或名词,则不应使用这些词。例如:
  “There were 5, 10, and 15 wasps in nests 1, 2, and 3, respectively.”
  “There were wasps in nest 1, 2, and 3, respectively.”

  Since  Since是略微柔和形式的because,但在现代英语中这两个词可以互换使用。

  That vs. which  先不讨论限制和非限制性从句,有个记住什么时候用that和which的诀窍。如果将that或which后面的词去掉会改变句子的意思,则用that。例如:
  “The experiments that were done at 20°C were successful.”
  如果移除“that were done at 20°C”,那么这个句子读作:
  “The experiments were successful.”
  “The experiments, which were done at 20°C, were successful.”

  Use vs. utilize  多数情况下Use比utilize更好。然而,当有特定的意义“为……找到实际用途”的时候,utilize比较合意。例如:
  “Duct tape was utilized to hold the vacuum tube in place when the stopper wouldn’t stay in the flask.”


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