在写作的时候,我们经常用类似'show' 'deal with'这种万能词,但是在一篇文章中,这样的词使用的越多,就越没有意义。如果你能选择一个意义更明确的词表示,也就是主动动词,就不要用这种万能动词。比如 将 'Chen dealt with' 和 'Figure 1 shows '表达成 'Chen hypothesized' 和 'Figure 1 represents' 意义变得更加明确。1. 当你准备文献综述的时候,需要用简要,明确的术语来描述其他人的研究时
Phillip Chang proposes a mechanism explaining increased silica solubility in the presence of two small organic acids.
2. 当你解释你自己的实验研究,需要解释观察到的趋势时
The results of this study challenge findings from studies about analytic concentration varying with sample location.
3. 当你进行客观陈述,需要预测信息的时候
This study characterizes wetlands by their water chemistry and postulates that water chemistry varies with water source and wetland type.
4. 当你涉及到某幅图,表或公式,需要定义该图,表或公式的目的
Figure 4 depicts grain growth that occurred after the ceramic was sintered for three hours.
下面的单词列表在写论文的时候,随时查看 描述研究或者分析思维的主动动词 yield illustrate illuminate reveal employ mean suggest clarity indicate represent prove insist propose imply assert postulate consider infer state extrapolate estimate define classify invoke analyze compare hypothesize synthesize summarize disagree generalize narrate evaluate simplify measure note predict introduce report construe challenge delineate depict interpret provide acknowledge distinguish inform specify restrict determine detail sum up designate point out set forth deduce derive characterize guide maintain believe speculate present organize investigate assess determine calculate support devise construct evaluate attribute obtain assume argue reiterate discover decide
描述现象的主动动词 discharge overlie emanate radiate scatter exchange separate surround combine eliminate emit transmit carry bombard exert exude interact behave exchange absorb converge extend constrain force elongate contract trend plunge occur fracture continue mix slow quicken produce bond interlockfuse deteriorate migrate encompass access traverse join dominate deposit underline overlap originate isolate invade permeate evolve divide sinter reclaim restore abandon contain accrue precede influence saturate circulate forecast orient distribute allow lag terminate activate cease record formtransect condense enrich invert convert alter link superimpose rotate rupture streamline appear require ascend descend collapse superpose crystallizebisect cede coalesce disperse disseminate disintegrate propel repel accelerate transfer penetrate halt curb