评评理 发表于 2017-10-17 13:52

2018年纳米材料,材料与制造工程国际会议 (ICNMM 2018)


      2018年纳米材料,材料与制造工程国际会议 (ICNMM 2018) 将于4月13-15日在中国成都举办。

  2018 International Conference on Nanomaterials, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICNMM 2018) will be held in Chengdu, China during April 13-15, 2018.

  ICNMM 2018 will bring together the top researchers from Asian Pacific nations, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange their research results and address open issues in biomaterials, biomedical manufacturing, casting and solidification, characterisation, coatings and surface engineering, composite materials, etc. It is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields ofnanomaterials, materials and manufacturing engineering.

       Material Science and Engineering:
  1. Composites
  2. Micro / Nano Materials
  3. Steel and Iron
  4. Ceramic
  5. Metal alloy Materials
  6. Polymer Materials
  7. Optical/Electronic/Magnetic Materials
  8. Materials Physics and Chemistry
  9. Building Materials
  10. New Energy Materials
  11. Environmental Friendly Materials
  12. Biomaterials and Chemical Materials
  13. Thin Films
  14. Earthquake Resistant Structures, Materials and Design
  15. Smart and Intelligent Materials
  16. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology
  17. Surface Engineering/Coatings
  18. Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
  19. Materials Forming, Machining
  20. Welding & Joining
  21. Mechanical Behavior & Fracture
  22. Material Design of Computer Aided
  23. Tooling Testing and Evaluation of Materials
  24. Microwave Processing of Materials
  25. Mechanical Dynamics and Its Applications
  26. Mechanical Reliability Theory and Engineering
  27. Vibration, Noise Analysis and Control
  28. High-speed/Precision Machining and Inspection Technology
  29. Laser Processing Technology
  30. Power and Fluid Machinery
  31. Energy Machinery and Equipment

  Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering:
  1. Mechanical and Materials Engineering
  2. Aerodynamics
  3. Aerospace Systems and Technology
  4.Alternative energy
  5.Applied Mechanics and Design
  8.Composite Materials
  9.Computational Fluid Dynamics
  10.Computer aided engineering design
  11.Concurrent Engineering
  12.Condition Monitoring
  13.Design and Manufacturing
  14.Energy and Thermofluids
  15.Energy conversion system
  16.Energy Management
  17.Finite element analysis
  18.Fluid Dynamics
  19.Fuels and Combustion
  20.Green Manufacturing
  21.Heat and Mass Transfer
  22.Heat exchangers
  23.Heat Transfer
  24.Industrial Engineering
  25.Industrial Tribology
  26.Instrumentation and Control
  27.Internal Combustion Engines
  28.Machine Design
  29.Machinery Dynamics
  31.Materials Science
  32.Mechanical Engineering
  34.Micro- and Nano Manufacturing
  35.Micro and Nanomaterials
  36.Modeling of Processes
  38.Noise and Vibration analysis
  39.Optimization of Systems
  40.Rapid Prototyping
  41.Refrigeration and air conditioning
  42.Renewable and Non-Renewable Energies
  43.Renewable energy
  44.Reverse Engineering
  46.Solid and Fracture Mechanics
  47.Solid Mechanics
  48.Tribology and Reverse Engineering

  所有论文全文经审稿评审,根据原创性,技术和/或研究内容/深度,正确性,相关性会议,贡献,可读性进行评估,被录用的文章将论文集 并提交EI Compendex和SCOPUS 检索。


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