凄美离别 发表于 2017-9-7 14:05



       We are excited to announce 5th International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMDME 2017) will be held on November 20-21,2017,Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia.It features invited keynotes as well as peer-reviewed paper presentations.

  To provide an interactive learning and relationship-building forum for all researchers in the Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering field. Colleagues from industry, academia, and government agencies will gather at the interface of research, partnerships, funding and commercialization to find ways to move forward.

      T1: Machine Design
  Actuator Systems
  Coatings and Surface Modification
  Contact Mechanics
  Cutting/ Forming/ Grinding/ Polishing
  Design for Manufacturability (DFM)
  Friction and Wear Mechanism
  Hydro-dynamic/ Static Lubrication/Lubricants/Lubrication Failure
  Injection Molding/ Mold and Die Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPD)
  Machine Design/ Machine Elements

  T2: Engineering and Automation
  Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
  Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems
  Flexible and Distributed Manufacturing Systems
  Intelligent Systems in Machine Design and Production
  Emerging Technologies in Design and Manufacturing
  Hybrid Macro/Meso/Micro Manufacturing Processes
  Thermally-Enhanced Manufacturing
  Micro-Manufacturing and Fabrication of Sensors
  Communication Systems and Distributed Control in Manufacturing Enterprises
  Collaborative and Digital Manufacturing for Advancing Product Quality
  Diagnostics, Performance Prediction and Decision Making for Intelligent Maintenance of Manufacturing Systems
  Advances in Quality Control in Multistage Manufacturing Systems
  Bottom-up” Nano manufacturing
  Biomedical Manufacturing
  Nano manufacturing Processes and Systems
  Development and Applications of Micro Manufacturing Equipment
  Design and Operations of Manufacturing Systems for Responsiveness
  Advances in Metal Forming
  Fracture Reliability of Fabricated Materials

  T3: Manufacturing Engineering
  Magnetic Storage System
  Manufacturing Systems
  Micro/Nano Processing/ Micro/Nano Tribology
  Non-conventional Processing
  Printing Technology for Manufacturing
  Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Rheology
  Sustainable Tribology/ Tribology in Manufacturing/ Maintenance Tribology
  Advanced Design, Production Processes and Devices
  Design of Machines and its Applications
  Engineering Design Methodology and Design Models
  Design, Modeling, Analysis and Failure of Machine Elements and Mechanical Systems
  Mechanical Design and Production of MEMS
  Modeling and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
  Advances in Rapid Manufacturing Technologies for Metallic Parts
  Solid Freeform Fabrication for Biomedical and Tissue Engineering
  Miniaturization of Molding and Casting Processes

  T4: Mechanics AND other topics
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查看完整版本: 2017年第五届机械设计与制造工程国际会议