1. Tetrahedron element 2237 has a Jacobian ratio of 52.3 which exceeds the warnig limit of 30.Midside nodes ,if any, may be poorly positioned<BR><BR><BR>这是什么意思呢?<BR>跟求解是否有关系?<BR>用了单元退化以后出现的<BR><BR>2. After Nummrg all ,node 136 is associate with more than one solid modele entity.Future conmands which depend on the node to solid model connectivity may not prerate proerly <BR><BR>划分网格以后用了Nummrg,all出现的 <BR>对求解有影响吗? <P>说明网格划分有问题,Jacobian ratio 检查时有大多的不合格的单元了,<BR><BR>划分网格后对单元、节点号进行整理应该更有助于求解收敛</P> <P>又是网格划分的问题。。。。。</P> 请教xiwen2008,第二个警告对结果影响大吗?<BR>我也遇到过,没在意,这样得出的结果可靠吗?谢谢了!