嫌隙 发表于 2017-8-28 13:26

2018第三届机械制造,建模和机电一体化国际会议(IC4M 2018)


      IC4M 2018将于2018年2月22日-25日在西班牙巴塞罗那举行。IC4M 2018是一次科学的盛会,同时也为在建模和机电一体化领域的有关技术进步和研究者提供了一次国际交流的机会。这次会议将汇集来自世界各地的相关领域的领先的研究人员,工程师和学者。我们热忱欢迎作者提交新的研究论文与参会人员分享您的宝贵经验。

  We are delighted to announce that the 2018 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing, Modeling and Mechatronics (IC4M 2018) will be held in IQS (Institut Químic de Sarrià), Barcelona,Spain on the 22th-25th, February, 2018, in conjunction with 2018 3rd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES 2018) . This exciting city not only represents a global focus point for tourism, it is perhaps symbolic, from historical and classical times where science, education and sharing of knowledge were encouraged. We can proudly say that the IC4M 2018 is going to be a truly international and an excellent forum for both young and experienced researchers to publish their work on a global stage. Sharing experiences of seasoned researcher with mentoring new researchers is where we ensure research is taken to the boundaries of new knowledge. With the success of IC4M 2017, ICDES 2017, IC4M 2016 and ICDES 2016, we believe that IC4M 2018 and ICDES 2018 will be more attractive.

  There will be several keynote lectures delivered by internationally recognised academics and industrial experts, sharing their knowledge and experience to all. We strongly encourage you to visit the website for dates and topic areas. All abstracts will be comprehensibly reviewed prior to approval and final papers will undergo a rigorous review process with experts from your chosen field. All papers will be double blind reviewed to ensure consistency in quality and academic depth.

      1,Mechanical Engineering:
  Complex mechanical-electro-liquid System
  Mechanism and Machine Science
  Powder Metallurgy/Casting/Sintering/Thermal Engineering/Welding
  High-speed/precision machining
  Laser Processing Technology
  CAD/CAM Integration Technology
  Computational Mechanics
  Computer-aided Geometric Design & Simulation
  Flexible Manufacturing Technology & System
  Material Engineering
  Mechanical Power Engineering
  Precision Mechanics & Mechatronics
  Quality & Reliability Engineering
  System Dynamics and Simulation
  Systems Science and Systems Engineering
  Vehicle Dynamic Performance Simulation
  Mechanical Dynamics and Its Applications
  Mechanical Transmission Theory and Applications
  Mechanical Reliability Theory and Engineering
  Theory and Application of Friction and Wear
  Vibration, Noise Analysis and Control
  Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Optimization and Control
  Structural Strength and Robustness
  Reverse Engineering
  Energy Machinery and Equipment
  Construction Machinery and Equipment
  Automation Engineering

  2,Manufacturing Engineering:
  Precision Manufacturing & Measurement
  Flexible Manufacturing Technology & System
  Manufacturing Process Simulation
  Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  Sustainable Production
  Recycling and Remanufacturing
  Rapid Manufacturing
  Modern production equipment design and manufacture
  Modeling, analysis and simulation of manufacturing processes
  Bionic mechanisms and bio-manufacturing
  Integrated Manufacturing System
  Testing, measuring, monitoring and controlling of manufacturing processes
  Engineering Optimization
  Product Design and Development
  Analysis and Decision of Industry & Manufacturing System
  Manufacturing and Production Processes
  PC Guided Design and Manufacture
  Manufacturing Systems and Industry Application
  Industrial Engineering and Materials Science
  Surface Engineering/Coatings
  Materials Forming
  Materials Machining
  Material Design of Computer Aided
  Microwave Processing of Materials
  Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications
  High-speed/Precision Machining and Inspection Technology
  Micro-Machining Technology
  Virtual Manufacturing and Network Manufacturing
  Digital Manufacture and Management
  Quality Monitoring and Control of the Manufacturing Process
  System Analysis and Industrial Engineering
  Production and Operation Management
  Green Supply Chain
  Manufacturing E-commerce System
  Advanced Forming Manufacturing and Equipment
  NEMS/MEMS Technology and Equipment

  3,Modeling in Engineering:
  Modeling and Identification
  Modeling and Control Theory
  Modeling Non Functional Properties of Systems
  Real-Time Simulator, Instrument and Control
  System Modeling and Simulation Techniques
  Design of General-purpose Modelling Languages and Related Standards
  Model-Driven Engineering,Modelling Languages, Meta-modelling, Model Transformation, Model Evolution
  Formal Modelling, Verification and Validation, Analysis, Testing
  Ontology Based Modelling, Role of Ontologies in Modelling Activities
  Model Manipulation

  4,Mechatronics Engineering:
  (1)Advanced Mechatronics Devices
  (2)Mechatronics Sensing and Control
  (3)Smart Actuators and Materials
  (4)MEMS/NEMS and Micro/Nano-Manufacturing
  (5)Precision Measurement Technology
  (6)Production Systems
  (7)Renewable Energy and Energy Saving Technologies
  (8)Bioengineering and Mechatronics Applications in Life Sciences
  (9)3D Printing Technologies
  (10)Mechatronics System for Medical/Welfare Technolgies
  (11)Human Resource Development and Education on Mechatronics Technology


  1, 报告者:如果你只想参加会议并作报告,不出版论文,只需要将摘要提交给会务组,经过评审后,将告知结果。注册成功的报告,将列入会议日程。有意者将摘要发送到邮箱ic4m@smehk.org

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