2017年第二届机器人与自动化工程国际会议(ICRAE 2017)
会议简介:2017 年第二届机器 人与自动化工程国际会议 (ICRAE-2017) 将于12月29-31日在中国上海举行。我们热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家学者继续踊跃投稿交流。
Robot design, development and control
Human-robots interfaces
Network robotics
Mobile robots and autonomous systems
Human augmentation and shared control
Space and underwater robots
Intelligent transportation technologies and systems
Vehicle control applications
Telerobotics and Teleoperation
Industrial networks and automation
Intelligent warehouses
Modeling, simulation and architectures
Vision, recognition and reconstruction
Virtual Reality & Image processing & Surveillance
Web-based control & Autonomous agents
Petri nets (system design/verification with nets, protocols and networks)
Reasoning about action for intelligent robots
Natural language dialogue with robots
Speech recognition & Signal reconstruction
Computer and microprocessor-based control
Hierarchical control
Instrumentation networks and software
Real-time syst;ems control & Time series and system modeling
Environmental monitoring and control & Information-based models for control
Time-frequency analysis
Feature extraction
Discrete event systems & Hybrid dynamical systems & System identification
Hybrid dynamical systems
Adaptive signal processing and control
Nonlinear signals and systems
1. 会议官方语言为英语,只接受英文论文,投稿者务必用英语撰写论文。
2. 请根据出版社 的格式模板文件编辑您的文章( -template Ms word)
3. 出版的文章不能少于4页,文章超过5页的部分将收取超页费用。
4. 会议接收全文和摘要。需要发表文章的作者请提交全文,仅参会做口头报告的作者提交摘要即可,摘要和报告内容不会被发表。
5. 投稿方式:
1)将文章上传到电子投稿系统 (点此获得链接)
2)将文章通过邮箱发至会议官方邮箱: icrae@zhconf.ac.cn