raining~piu 发表于 2017-6-28 09:55

2017年第二届国际机械工程和机器人研究会议(ICMERR 2017)

       2017 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (ICMERR 2017) aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professinals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in mechanical engineering and robotics research. ICMERR 2017 will be held in Cité Universitaire de Paris, Paris, France during December 11-13, 2017. It is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of mechanical engineering and robotics. It also serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving mechanical engineering and robotics techniques.

  ICMERR is also the Annual Meeting of IJMERR editorial boarad. Welcome scholars and researchers working in the field of mechanical engineering and robotics from all over the world to attend the conference and share your experiences and lessons with other enthusiasts, and develop opportunities for cooperation.

       Mechanical Engineering
  Analytical mechanics
  Applied Mechanics
  Computational mechanics
  Combustion and Fuels
  Controls and Dynamics
  Environmental Management
  Fluid Mechanics
  Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
  I.C. Engines & Automobile Engineering
  Industrial Engineering & Management
  Machine Design
  Manufacturing Engineering
  Material Science & Metallurgy
  Operations Research and Industrial Management
  Production Management
  Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning
  Rotor dynamics
  Solid mechanics
  Thermodynamics and Combustion Engineering
  Tribology and Terotechnology

  Active perception & 3-D perception
  Artificial intelligence
  Automatic 3D buildings design
  Automation, CNC Machines & Robotics
  Autonomous robotic vehicles
  Evolutionary robotics
  Gaits of humanoids
  Hardware architecture for humanoids
  Humanoid motion planning
  Industrial Robotics
  Intelligent Control systems
  Legged locomotion
  Microsensors and actuators
  Mobile robots
  Multi-robot systems
  Neural decoding algorithms
  Robotics and Robot Applications
  Path Planning
  SLAM Algorithms
  Robot cognition, adaptation and learning
  GA and neural networks for mobile robots
  Space robotics

  1. 通过投稿系统:http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmerr2017

  2. 通过邮件方式: icmerr@etpub.com

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查看完整版本: 2017年第二届国际机械工程和机器人研究会议(ICMERR 2017)