gravitation 发表于 2016-11-23 09:39



      Welcome to the 2017 International Conference of Mechanical Design & the 19th Mechanical Design Annual Conference, which will be hold on Oct, 2017 in Beijing, China.
  innovation-driven, emphasize quality over quantity, achieve green development, optimize the structure of Chinese industry, and nurture human talent,which was the new requirements of “Made in China 2025”,that gave the requriment of mechanical design, one theme of this conference is Innovative Design pushes “Made in China 2025”.as well as to promote informing the scientists and practitioners of the most promising areas of research and achievements in the field of mechanical design.


      Mechanical Design in Made in China 2025;
  Design Methodology;
  Industrial Design;
  Sustainable Design/Green Design;
  Intelligent Design;
  Biomimetic Design;
  Design Tools/Platform and applications;
  Internet Plus Mechanical Design;
  Mechanism and Machine Composition Principle;
  Kinematics and Dynamics;
  Experimental Method in Mechanisms;
  Robotics and Mechanics;
  Design of Micro/nano Mechanisms and Machines;
  Design of Machine Tools;
  Design of Construction Machinery;
  Vehicle Mechanisms and Dynamic Design;
  Mechanical Structure and System Dynamics;
  Engineering Tribology and Tribological Design;
  Reliability Design;
  Education in Mechanisms and Machine Scienc
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查看完整版本: 2017机械设计国际年会暨第19届机械设计学术年会(ICMD2017)