[求助] 编译失败,求助!!
>> mcc -B sglcpp callplotx
callplotx.cpp(3227) : fatal error C1509: compiler limit : too many exception handler states in function 'Mcallplotx'. simplify function
MBUILD.BAT: Error: Compile of 'callplotx.cpp' failed.
??? Error using ==> mbuild
Unable to complete successfully
??? Error: An error occurred while shelling out to mbuild (error code = 1).
Unable to build executable (specify the -v option for more information).
Error in ==> D:\MATLAB6p5p1\toolbox\compiler\mcc.dll
回复:(sile123)[求助] 编译失败,求助!!
<P>看看帮助吧<BR><BR>When you save a GUI that contains ActiveX components, GUIDE creates a file in the current directory for each such component. The filename consists of the name of the GUI followed by an underscore (<TT>_</TT>) and <TT>activex</TT><I><TT>n</TT></I>, where <I><TT>n</TT></I> is a sequence number. For example, if the GUI is named <TT>ActiveXcontrol</TT> then the filename would be <TT>ActiveXcontrol_activex1</TT>. The filename does not have an extension.</P><P>If you use the MATLAB Compiler <TT>mcc</TT> command to compile a GUIDE-created GUI that contains an ActiveX component, you must use the <TT>-a</TT> option to add the ActiveX control files that GUIDE saved in the current directory to the CTF archive. Your command should be similar to</P><PRE>mcc -m mygui -a mygui_activex1
<P>where <TT>mygui_activex1</TT> is the name of the file. If you have more than one such file, use a separate <TT>-a</TT> option for each file.</P> 你将“Mcallplotx”中的M改为小写试一试可能就行了。
[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-7-27 23:48 编辑 ]