在网格划分中,系统提示warning: 1. Shape testing revealed that 4500 of the 4500 new or modified elementsviolate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see the
output file or issue the CHECK command.
2.1200 angles less than 2.5 degrees found in triangle facets of volume
3, with smallest angle = 0.97 degrees. Poor element quality or mesh
failure may result. A smaller element size specification may give
better results.
3. Shape testing revealed that 1705 of the 2250 new or modified elements
violate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see the
output file or issue the CHECK command.
请指点下,原因是什么啊?谢谢了! 网格划分的太差了,雅克比值检查不行,重新划分网格!