xfzjxfzj 发表于 2006-5-13 20:54


<P>% Function THIN<BR>%<BR>function = thin(a)<BR><BR>% Louisa Lam, Seong-Whan Lee, and Ching Y. Wuen, "Thinning Methodologies-A<BR>% Comprehensive Survey," IEEE TrPAMI, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 869-885, 1992.The<BR>% algorithm is described at the bottom of the first column and the top of the<BR>% second column on page 879.</P>
<P>lut = [];<BR>if (isempty(a))<BR>    c = zeros(size(a));<BR>    return;<BR>end</P>
<P>G1 = uint8(<FONT size=2><STRONG>lutthin1</STRONG></FONT>);<BR>G2 = uint8(<STRONG><FONT size=2>lutthin2</FONT></STRONG>);<BR>G3 = uint8(<STRONG>lutthin3</STRONG>);<BR>G4 = uint8(<STRONG>lutthin4</STRONG>);</P>
<P>% Make a lookup table that will produce<BR>% a lookup table indices.This is avoid<BR>% doing more work in calling applylut<BR>% multiple times with the same input than<BR>% we really need to.</P>
<P>lutlut = 1:512;<BR>lookup = applylut(a, lutlut);<BR>% Preallocate a uint8 zeros matrix<BR>d = uint8(0);<BR> = size(a);<BR>d(m,n) = 0;</P>
<P>% First subiteration<BR>d(:) = G1(lookup) &amp; G2(lookup) &amp; G3(lookup);<BR>c = a &amp; ~d;</P>
<P>% Second subiteration<BR>lookup = applylut(c, lutlut);<BR>d(:) = G1(lookup) &amp; G2(lookup) &amp; G4(lookup);<BR>c = c &amp; ~d;<BR><BR><BR><BR>这里面的粗体字<STRONG>lutthin1~lutthin4</STRONG>是什么意思啊?谢谢!</P>

xfzjxfzj 发表于 2006-5-14 08:46



wj118 发表于 2006-6-8 19:57



xfzjxfzj 发表于 2006-6-10 19:09

本来做毕业设计想用的,但现在已经用别的方法完成了。<br><br>然则,还是要谢谢呀......<br><br><STRONG><FONT color=#ee6911>注册日期:2006-06-08</FONT> <br><br><FONT color=#f70938>回复日期:2006-06-08 19:57 <br></FONT></STRONG><br>嗯嗯...我以为我这个帖子应该埋的很深了呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-10 19:16:42编辑过]
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查看完整版本: [求助]请帮忙看一下这个函数:bwmorph.m中的细化子函数thin(图像处理)