包含了风力发电的许多子模块,如风速模拟、双馈异步发电机控制模块,电机模块,减速及模块,变桨模块等等。"A Simulation Platform to Model, Optimize and Design Wind Turbines"
As the penetration of the wind turbines in the power system is increasing rapidly and thus their interaction with the grid is playing a more and more important role in the energy system, the need for better wind turbine design tools is evident.
The overall objective of the project is to extend the ability of the existing wind turbine design tools to simulate the dynamic behavior of the wind turbines and the wind turbine grid interaction.
http://zhishitong.org/sitemap.html http://www.tzingchu.com/ http://bbsblog.org/ 楼主给发一份吧,没法下载。591141023@qq.com {:{39}:}楼主在吗? 研究下,谢谢! 不错,分享是一种美德 楼主给我发一份吧,270319009@qq.com 请楼主给发一份吧,权限不够没法下载。362459351@qq.com
非常感谢! 感谢分享,研究学习,共求进步! 楼楼,我怎么才能看到你发的东西啊 求楼主发一份吧,权限不够songzhongyues@163.com,万分感谢! songzhongyues 发表于 2015-8-16 22:55
现在已经没有权限限制了 顶,好帖