欧阳中华 发表于 2013-7-2 09:10

KU Leuven 2013 Advanced Courses on Applied Acoustics and Mod

Dear Colleague,The Noise & Vibration research group of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the KU Leuven is pleased to inform you about the 2013 Advanced Courses on Applied Acoustics and Modal Analysis.ISAAC24 is the 24th edition in a series of annual courses on Advanced Techniques in Applied and Numerical Acoustics which will take place on September 12-13, 2013 in Leuven, Belgium. It is set up as an extended overview of recent techniques in applied and numerical acoustics with an emphasis on background principles and on the practical use of the techniques.ISMA38 is the 38th edition in a series of intensive courses on Modal Analysis which will take place on September 12-13, 2013 in Leuven, Belgium. The course gives a general introduction to modal testing with emphasis on data-acquisition and multi-channel modal testing. It is an intensive training course, where theoretical lectures are illustrated by integrated demonstrations and discussions on relevant industrial case studies.You can find the full programme of the courses and the online registration on http://www.isma-isaac.be.We are looking forward to sharing with you our well-established expertise in the field of noise and vibration engineering and to meeting you and/or your colleagues in Leuven in September.Yours sincerely,Prof. W. Desmet, ISAAC24 chairmanProf. W. Heylen, ISMA38 chairman************************************************
ISMA Conference secretary : Mrs. L. Notré
KU Leuven, PMA Division
Celestijnenlaan 300B, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
KU Leuven box 02420 - AFD PMA
Tel : (32) 16322482, Fax : (32) 16322838
e-mail : lieve.notre@mech.kuleuven.be
ISMA website : http://www.isma-isaac.be
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