wxlluck 发表于 2006-5-8 17:07

关于模糊控制 求助

各位达人:<BR>我的simulink在不用模糊控制器时出现的图是正确的,可一加模糊控制器它就运行很慢,没有结果。这是为什么?<BR>还试着运用s函数,可错误是Error, a block diagram was specified in S-function block 'para_regulate/S-Function'. Please make sure your S-function name is not a Simulink model or the name of the current model. You can use the Matlab command 'which -all sfunction_name' to locate all occurrences of model files with the name sfunction_name<BR>我的文件名para_regulate也没有不对吧?<BR>请帮帮我

chang 发表于 2006-5-9 21:13

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