ericlin 发表于 2006-4-27 15:04



[ 本帖最后由 ericlin 于 2006-8-10 16:10 编辑 ]

happy 发表于 2006-4-28 09:49


clear all
%initiate of data
P=3 %numberof sample
m=1%number of input node
n=10%number of hidden node
N=1%number of ouptut node
%a(n) b(n) scale and shifting parameter matrix
%x(P,m) input matrix of P sample
%net(P,n) ouput of hidden node
%y(P,N) output of network
%d(P,N) ideal output of network
% phi(P,n) ouput of hidden node wavelet funciton
%W(N,n)weight value between ouput and hidden
%WW(n,m) weight value between hidden and input node
x=; d=; W=rand(N,n); WW=rand(n,m);a=ones(1,n);
for j=1:n, b(j)=j*P/n; end
%EW(N,n) gradient of W
%EWW(n,m) gradient of WW
%Ea(n) gradient of a
%Eb(n) gradient of b
epoch=1; epo=100; error=0.05; err=0.01; delta =1; lin=0.5;
while (error>=err & epoch<=epo)

u=0;%u is the middle variant
%caculation of net input
for p=1:),for j=1:n   % something wrong! By ChaChing
   for k=1:m, u=u+WW(j,k)*x(p,k); end
end; end
%calculation of morlet 0r mexican wavelet output
for p=1:), for j=1:n% something wrong! By ChaChing
   u=net(p,j); u=(u-b(j))/a(j);
   phi(p,j)=cos(1.75*u)*exp(-u*u/2); %morlet wavelet
   %phi(p,j)=(1-u^2)*exp(-u*u/2); %mexican hat wavelet
end; end
%calculation of output of network

for p=1:), for i=1:N% something wrong! By ChaChing
   for j=1:n, u=u+W(i,j)*phi(p,j); end
end; end
%calculation of error of output
for p=1:P, for i=1:N
end; end
%calculate of gradient of network
for i=1:N, for j=1:n
   for p=1:P, u=u+(d(p,i)-y(p,i))*phi(p,j); end
   %EW(i,j)=-u;%the resule would be wrong
end; end
for j=1:n, for k=1:m
   for p=1:P, for i=1:N
      u=u+(d(p,i)-y(p,i))*W(i,j)*phi(p,j)*x(p,k)/a(j) ;
   end; end
   %EWW(j,k)=u the result would be wrong
end; end
for j=1:n, u=0
   for p=1:P, for i=1:N
       u=u+(d(p,i)-y(p,i))*W(i,j)*phi(p,j)/a(j) ;
   end; end
for j=1:n, u=0
   for p=1:P, for i=1:N
      u=u+(d(p,i)-y(p,i))*W(i,j)*phi(p,j)*((net(p,j)-b(j))/b(j))/a(j) ;
   end; end
%adjust of weight value
WW=WW-lin*EWW; W=W-lin*EW; a=a-lin*Ea; b=b-lin*Eb;
%number of epoch increase by 1


[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-4-24 21:48 编辑 ]

ericlin 发表于 2006-5-16 16:52


ericlin 发表于 2006-8-10 15:54



[ 本帖最后由 ericlin 于 2006-8-10 16:46 编辑 ]

橄榄石 发表于 2006-10-10 21:47


ChaChing 发表于 2010-4-24 21:51

回复 沙发 happy 的帖子

整理老帖, 发现2F Happy教授给的程序, 有些文字输入问题!?
个人不懂小波神经网络, 希望教授或高手更正之!
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