hkiceas 发表于 2012-6-1 17:39

2012 Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and A

2012 HKICEAS2012 Hong Kong InternationalConference on Engineering and Applied Science

Hong Kong, December 14-16, 2012

HKICEAS 2012 is themain annual Engineering and Applied Science conference aimed at presentingcurrent research being carried out. HKICEAS 2012 will be held during December14-16, 2012 in Hong Kong andthe idea of HKICEAS is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and studentsfrom the universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoingresearch activities, and hence to foster research relations between theuniversities and the industry. All accepted papers for the HKICEAS 2012 will bepublished in the HKICEAS proceedings, and will be indexed by WorldCat, GoogleScholar, and Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and sent to bereviewed by Ei Compendex and ISI Proceedings.Conference Dates PaperSubmission
Before Sep 20,2012 Notification of Result                         FromOct 10, 2012
Final VisionSubmission                   BeforeOct 31, 2012
Authors'Registration                        BeforeOct 31, 2012
HKICEAS Conference Dates      December14-16, 2012
Paper SubmissionConference FormatPlease follow the conference format to submit yourabstract or full paper via website.
Oneregular registration can cover a paper within 8 pages, including all figures,tables, and references. Please submit your paper, if you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us by email

Contact us Shouldyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

2012 HKICEAScovers, but not limited to, the following topics:

    Advanced Biochemistry
    Biomechanics of the Human Neromusculoskeletal System
    Biomedical Polymers
    Biomedical Ultrasonics
    Clinical Gait Analysis : Theory Application
    Drug Delivery Systems
    Experimental Neurobiology        Human Anatomy and Physiology
    Hyperthermia-Biology, Physics and Instrumentation
    Mathematics for Biomedical Engineering
    Medical Devices Quality System
    Medical Ethics
    Medical Microsensor
    Multimodal Spatiotemporal Analysis on the Neuroimaging Data        Optimization in Biomechanical Engineering
    Physical Stimulation on Cell and Tissue
    Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Radiation Physics for Medicine and Biology
    Solid Biomechanics   


    Adsorbtion Principles and Structure Character of    Porous Mate
    Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
    Advanced Process Control
    Advanced Transport Phenomena
    Energy and Environmental Biotechnology        Enzyme and Fermentation Engineering
    Interfacial Phenomena
    Ionic Liquids
    Material Development
    Microhydrodynamics: Theory and Applications
    Molecular and Cell Biology
    Nanomaterial and Synthesis        Polymer Physical Structure & Chemistry
    Polymer Structures
    Process Safety
    Process System Engineering
    Reactor Technology
    Scaling Concepts in Microfluidics

Civil Engineering

    Bridge Engineering
    Cartography and Geographic Information System
    Coastal Engineering
    Computational Mechanics
    Construction Technology
    Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
    Engineering Management        Environmental Management
    Environment-Friendly Construction and Development
    Geological Engineering
    Geotechnical Engineering
    Hydraulic Engineering
    Monitoring and Control Of Structures
    Safety Management        Seismic Engineering
    Structural Engineering Geotechnical Engineering
    Surveying Engineering
    Transportation and Highway Engineering
    Water Engineering   

Computer andInformation Sciences

    Advanced Database
    Artificial Intelligence
    Computational and Artificial Intelligence
    Computer Architecture
    Computer Networks
    Computer Vision        Data Communication and Networking
    Data Management
    Data Mining
    Embedded systems
    Knowledge Management
    Mining Data, Text, and the Web
Mobile computing        Multimedia DB's
    Networks and Systems
    Operating Systems
    Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Reconfigurable computing Sensor networks
    Signal Processing   

Electrical andElectronic Engineering

    Advanced Power Semiconductors
    Analogue and Digital Signal Processing
    Distributed Generation, Fuel Cells and Renewable Energy Systems
    Electrical Machinery and Electrical Apparatus
    Electro technologies
    Electromagnetic compatibility        High Voltage and Insulation Technology
    Intelligent control systems
    Materials for Electrotechnics
    Measuring Technology and Instruments
    Nuclear Energy
    ower Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility
    Power Electronics and Power Drives
    Power Engineering Education        Power Market
    Power Optimization
    Power System and its Automation
    Power System Reliability and Security
    Power Systems Communication
    Power Systems Deregulation   


    Air Pollution
    Atmospheric Diffusion
    Biological Treatment Processes
    Control of Toxic Gases
    Emerging Contaminants
    Engineering Mathematics
    Environmental Economics
    Environmental Engineering        Environmental Planning and Management
    Environmental Toxicology
    Fluid Mechanics
    Ground Water Pollution
    Industrial Air Pollution
    Noise Pollution Control        Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes
    Solid Wastes
    Water and Wastewater Treatment
    Water Pollution Control   

Fundamental andApplied Sciences

    Chemical Sciences
    Computational Modeling
    Engineering Sciences
    Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences        Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Green Technology
    Innovation and Science and Engineering Education        Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
    Medical Sciences
    Physics and Mathematical Sciences    

Geosciences andPetroleum Engineering

    Chromatograph System
    Enhanced Oil Recovery
    Formation Evaluation
    Geophysics        Health, Safety and Environment
    High-Pressure Mineral Physics
    Petro physics
    Petroleum Business Management        Production and Completion Engineering
    Reservoir Engineering
    Well Construction / Drilling Engineering   

Material Scienceand Engineering

    Advanced Polymer Chemistry
    Applied Optics
Crystal    Structure
    Electronic Ceramic Materials
    Energy Materials
    Kinetics of Materials
    Liquid Alloy Processing        Magnetic Materials
    Magnetic Materials
    Magnetic Materials
    Mechanical Behavior of Materials
    Optoelectronic Materials
    Physical Ceramics
    Powder Metallurgy        Precise Controlled
    Sintering Theory
    Solidification Processing
    Thermodynamics of Materials
    Welding Metallurgy
    X-ray Diffraction   


    Adaptive Control
    Conduction Heat Transfer
    Continuum Mechanics
    Corrosion and Reliability
    Discrete-Time Signal Processing
    Energy Systems
    IC packaging process
    Linear System Theory and Design        Mechanical Design of Robotics System
    Micro-System Technology
    Numerical Heat Transfer
    Physical System Modeling
    Precision Fluid Power control
    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
    Screw Theory and Its Applications        Theory of Thermal Stresses
    Thermal system Analysis
    Transport Phenomena and Material Processing
    Viscoelastic Fluids
    Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids   

System and NavalMechatronic Engineering

    Basic Ship Design
    Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Design of Electric Motors
    Design of Micro Opto-Mechatronics System
    Dynamics of Structure
    Engineering        Experimental Design for Fluid Vortices
    High Frequency Electronics
    Linear System Analysis
    Measurement and Virtual Instrumentation
    Modern Control System Analysis & Design        Naval Architecture
    Noise Pollution Control
    Principles of Communication
    Random Nonlinear Vibration
    Ship Hydrostatics
    Ship Structures
    Theory of Naval Architecture   

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