xtmtd1186 发表于 2006-4-25 16:21

[讨论]Warning: isrgb is obsolete and may be removed in the future.

<FONT color=#0909f7>Warning: isrgb is obsolete and may be removed in the future.<BR>See product release notes for more information.<BR>&gt; In isrgb at 29<BR>In ColorImage&gt;fft_button_Callback at 146<BR>In gui_mainfcn at 75<BR>In ColorImage at 45<BR></FONT>谁能帮我看看?这个提示是我在做FFT2变换时遇到的,虽然不是个错误,但感觉不爽,能解释一下这是个什么意思吗?要怎么做才能避免呢?<BR>以下是我的这部分的源程序。<BR><BR>function fft_button_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)<BR>% hObject    handle to fft_button (see GCBO)<BR>% eventdatareserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB<BR>% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)<BR>global imageX   <BR>I=imageX;<BR>if isrgb(I)<BR>    I=rgb2gray(I);          %%%%trans rgb to gray ,so use fft2<BR>end<BR>cla(handles.transformimage_axe);<BR>fftresult=fftshift(fft2(double(I)));<BR>axes(handles.transformimage_axe);<BR>imshow(log(abs(fftresult)),[]);<BR><BR>

xtmtd1186 发表于 2006-4-25 22:24


happy 发表于 2006-4-26 07:46

回复:(xtmtd1186)[讨论]Warning: isrgb is obsolet...


xtmtd1186 发表于 2006-4-26 08:22


<P>我用了幅图片,一个是matlab自带的 autumnf.tif,另外二幅是一个扫描的照片,jpg格式,和一个数码相机的jpg格式,都是这一个提示。请happy再看一看。</P>

happy 发表于 2006-4-26 08:25

回复:(xtmtd1186)[讨论]Warning: isrgb is obsolet...

没找到 autumnf.tif这个图片,我用rice.tif试了一下<BR>还有几个jpg图片试了一下都没问题
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查看完整版本: [讨论]Warning: isrgb is obsolete and may be removed in the future.