mk62650200 发表于 2012-5-19 22:19


dt of cycle    1500 is controlled by solid      element    2428

time...........................   8.90583E+01
time step......................   9.52037E-02
kinetic energy.................   1.02207E-02
internal energy................   4.21866E-03
spring and damper energy.......   1.00000E-20
hourglass energy ..............   3.95273E-03
system damping energy..........   0.00000E+00
sliding interface energy.......   4.84014E-03
external work..................   0.00000E+00
eroded kinetic energy..........   0.00000E+00
eroded internal energy.........   0.00000E+00
eroded hourglass energy........   0.00000E+00
total energy...................   2.32322E-02
total energy / initial energy..   3.38872E-02
energy ratio w/o eroded energy.   3.38872E-02
global x velocity..............   6.34012E-09
global y velocity..............   8.85809E-09
global z velocity..............   2.54014E-12
cpu time per zone cycle............         0 nanoseconds
average cpu time per zone cycle....   16682 nanoseconds
average clock time per zone cycle..   16786 nanoseconds

    1509 t 8.9917E+01 dt 1.12E-01 write d3plot file
    1518 t 9.0937E+01 dt 1.14E-01 write d3plot file
    1527 t 9.1964E+01 dt 1.14E-01 write d3plot file
    1536 t 9.2990E+01 dt 1.14E-01 write d3plot file
    1544 t 9.3901E+01 dt 1.14E-01 write d3plot file
    1555 t 9.4984E+01 dt 9.43E-02 write d3plot file
    1565 t 9.5987E+01 dt 8.99E-02 write d3plot file

*** Warning negative vol in advection redo cycle   1574

*** Warning negative vol in advection redo cycle   1575

*** Warning negative vol in advection redo cycle   1576

node #   479 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #   480 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #   481 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #   482 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #   900 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #   901 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #   902 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #   903 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #    3133 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity=    0.281E+30
    y-velocity=    0.315E+30
    z-velocity=    0.479E+30

node #    3140 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity=   -0.116E+33
    y-velocity=    0.130E+33
    z-velocity=    0.197E+33

node #    3141 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= Infinity   
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #    3142 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= Infinity   
    y-velocity= Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   

node #    3143 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= -Infinity   
    y-velocity= Infinity   
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #    3144 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= -Infinity   
    y-velocity= Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   

node #    3145 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= Infinity   
    y-velocity= Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   

node #    3147 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= -Infinity   
    y-velocity= Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   

node #    4065 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #    4066 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= Infinity   
    y-velocity= -Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   

node #    4067 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= NaN         
    y-velocity= NaN         
    z-velocity= NaN         

node #    4068 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= -Infinity   
    y-velocity= -Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   

node #    4069 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= Infinity   
    y-velocity= -Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   

node #    4071 has out-of-range velocities
    x-velocity= -Infinity   
    y-velocity= -Infinity   
    z-velocity= Infinity   
    1577 t 9.6746E+01 dt 0.00E+00 write d3plot file
    1577 t 9.6746E+01 dt 0.00E+00 write d3plot file

E r r o r   t e r m i n a t i o n

s t o r a g e   a l l o c a t i o n   

Memory required to complete solution   :      1417643
Additional dynamically allocated memory:       137210
                                 Total:      1554853

T i m i n g   i n f o r m a t i o n
                        CPU(seconds)   %CPUClock(seconds) %Clock
Initialization ....... 2.0000E+00    2.38   1.7630E+00    2.10
Element processing ... 7.6000E+01   90.48   7.5630E+01   90.16
Binary databases ..... 2.0000E+00    2.38   1.5230E+00    1.82
ASCII database ....... 3.0000E+00    3.57   2.3350E+00    2.78
Contact algorithm .... 1.0000E+00    1.19   2.6160E+00    3.12
    ALE CoupleID       1 1.0000E+00    1.19   2.5240E+00    3.01
Contact entities ..... 0.0000E+00    0.00   0.0000E+00    0.00
Rigid bodies ......... 0.0000E+00    0.00   1.5000E-02    0.02
Implicit Nonlinear ... 0.0000E+00    0.00   0.0000E+00    0.00
Implicit Lin. Alg. ... 0.0000E+00    0.00   0.0000E+00    0.00
T o t a l s            8.4000E+01100.00   8.3882E+01100.00

Problem time       =    9.6746E+01
Problem cycle      =      1577
Total CPU time   =      84 seconds (   0 hours1 minutes 24 seconds)
CPU time per zone cycle=   16681 nanoseconds
Clock time per zone cycle=   16706 nanoseconds

Number of CPU's    1
NLQ used/max      96/   96
Start time   05/19/2012 22:10:24
End time   05/19/2012 22:11:49
Elapsed time      85 seconds(0 hours1 min. 25 sec.) for    1577 cycles

E r r o r   t e r m i n a t i o n
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