luoqiwuhui 发表于 2012-5-9 18:29

请教matlab编程 在lqe设计中,Q,R,N应该怎么选取?

请教: 在lqe设计中,Q,R,N应该怎么选取?

    Given the system
      x = Ax + Bu + Gw            {State equation}
      y = Cx + Du + v             {Measurements}

    with unbiased process noise w and measurement noise v with

      E{ww'} = Q,    E{vv'} = R,    E{wv'} = N ,

    = lqe(A,G,C,Q,R,N)returns the observer gain matrix L
    such that the stationary Kalman filter
      x_e = Ax_e + Bu + L(y - Cx_e - Du)
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