Edwardseu 发表于 2012-3-4 22:25


emunit,epzro,eps0! 选用用户定义的相对介电常数,8.854e-6,比标准的小6个数量级。
! The EMUNIT command is either not available for this version of ANSYS orthe appropriate product was not selected for this session.
et,2,109,1,! tran1092D机械电耦合单元,支持单元morph
! The element option TRANS109 was either not ordered with this ANSYSinstallation or the appropriate product was not selected for this    session.
! The element option PLANE53 was either not ordered with this ANSYS installation or the appropriate product was not selected for thissession.
et,2,126,,2,0, ! tran126机械电耦合单元,支持单元morph
The element option TRANS126 was either not ordered with this ANSYS installation or the appropriate product was not selected for this   session.

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