heavyzhang 发表于 2011-9-9 13:20

VA One2010.5发布,包括BSR和气动噪声的两项新功能.

对新产品品质评价属性的最差前几名中,BSR就占据一席。VA One2010.5版本包括了能够有效预测结构处于低频随机噪声及振动环境中BSR异响的独特功能。新的功能对于所有VA One用户开放。借此,用户可以改善产品品质并且减少由于产品缺陷导致的召回产品带来的损失。

准确描述由于结构外表面空气流动产生的内部噪声是一个富有挑战性的任务。VA One2010.5版,借助使用CFD计算或风洞测试的数据,模拟复杂扰动表面压力载荷的方法使上面的问题得以简化。这种方法适用于描述低频、中频以及高频的复杂声源。VA One2010.5也包含了使用边界元和快速多级边界元方法模拟外部流动噪声辐射和散射的空气声功能。

VA One2010.5的所有模块中,包括近70个可以提高性能和生产率的加强部分。
        基本功能增强
        CAD 和CAE模型数据的导入能力;
        等高线图的功能改进;
        TBL Load的改进;
        Updated libraries (look and feel will match current version of windows)
        Added “Beam Property Calculator” script
        Create force/sensor script now allows for triax sensors and node IDs from a file
        Added “font size of labels” to preferences
        Added color attribute for fluids
        New grid for color preferences
        Improved zoom (software now zooms about mouse center)
        Can now use delete key to remove spectra from graphs
        Enabled sorting of grid for MNCTs
        Right click menu “Show connected subsystems” now includes junctions
        Added axis information to standard view menus
        Added a VA One logo (and preference setting to control visibility)
        Updates to log window (clear using right click menu)
        SEA/Hybrid增强;
        Script to export an SEA network diagram to a .gml file
        Merge SEA subsystems can now merge SEA cavities
        Can now create SEA cavity from FE cavity
        Ptimized Hybrid solve through use of multithreading for multicore machines
        Improved Hybrid area junction for heavy fluid loading problems
        FE/BEM增强;
        : Split FE face by edge angle
        : Uniform velocity and pressure constraints on BEM fluid
        Forced response FE structure coupled to FE cavity
        Splitop2.exe utility added for splitting modes in an op2 by frequency
        : Set attribute for isolators applied to FE faces
        : Added number of nodes for FE faces in browser window
        : Revised sort order for FE faces in the 3D tree
        Script to estimate upper frequency for FE cavities and BEM fluids
        Script to specify modal damping
        Updated “Create Enclosed Cavities” script to include selected FE faces
        Standard BEM solver now uses less memory when solving coupled problems
        FOAM增强
        PEM和FE结构子系统之间可以转换;
        PEM和FE声子系统之间可以转换


smallcottage 发表于 2012-2-27 22:44


maybn 发表于 2012-2-28 17:55


zhang_p 发表于 2012-3-14 16:16


453697017 发表于 2012-3-16 11:14

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查看完整版本: VA One2010.5发布,包括BSR和气动噪声的两项新功能.