电力仿真 发表于 2006-4-13 10:16


请教高手:为什么在电流检测3-2   变换用电压测量模块输出作为三相电压作为 3-2 输入电压出错?      计算机给出下面信息提示:<BR>Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of Voltage Measurement block (mask) 'V3'. Error using ==&gt; e:/matlab6p5/toolbox/powersys/powersys/private/psbsort (psberror)<BR>Connection error!<BR>                                              出现这样一来问题该怎么处理?<BR>                                                谢谢了!<BR>

linlin820 发表于 2006-4-15 16:09


<P>Why do I receive an error when using the Voltage Measurement block in SimPowerSystems 2.3 (R13.0.1)? </P><!--subject_end--><!--problem description begin-->
<H3>Problem Description:</H3>
<P><!--prob_desc_begin-->Why do I receive an error when using the Voltage Measurement block in SimPowerSystems 2.3 (R13.0.1)?<BR><BR>I have created a Simulink model using SimPowerSystems blocks. When I update the diagram or try to simulate the model, I receive the following error regarding the Voltage Measurement block:<BR><BR><SAMP>Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of Voltage Measurement block (mask) 'Voltage Measurement'. Error using ==&gt; get_param<BR>block_diagram does not have a parameter named 'PortConnectivity'<BR></SAMP></P><!--problem description end-->

<TD width=550>
<DIV >
<P>This problem has been fixed in SimPowerSystems 3.0 (R13.0.1+).<BR><BR>If you are using a previous version, read the following:<BR><BR>This is a bug in SimPowerSystems 2.3 (R13.0.1) in the way that the SimPowerSystems handles inputs from Simulink blocks in other libraries.<BR><BR>Currently, to work around this issue, try inserting a unity Gain block before the input port of the Voltage Measurement block. </P></DIV></TD></TR></TABLE></P>

电力仿真 发表于 2006-4-15 16:46



chenchong0503 发表于 2008-12-25 11:45


Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of Voltage Measurement block (mask) 'Voltage Measurement'. Error using ==> svd
NaN or Inf prevents convergence
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