zc19890127wyt 发表于 2011-4-17 16:07


>> clear; clf;
% maximal conductance (in units of mS/cm^2); 1=K+, 2=Na+, 3=Leakage
g(1)=36; g(2)=120; g(3)=0.3;%was 36 in stead of 40, was .3
% equilibrium potential for ions
E(1)=-12; E(2)=115; E(3)=10.613;
% Initialization of variables
V=-10; x=zeros(1,3); x(3)=1; t_rec=0;
% Time step for integration
dt=0.01;%was .01
% Integration with Euler method
firings=[];%new addition
for t=0:dt:45%was 90
   %if t==1; I_ext=10; end %turn on external current at t=10
% if t==11; I_ext=0;end %turn off external current at t=40
% if t==50; I_ext=10;end %turn off external current at t=40
   %if t==70; I_ext=0;end %turn off external current at t=40
   % alpha functions used in the model
   %following 4 lines are new
    if ((diff12>0) && (diff01<0))
            firings=;%record the firing time and the number of corresponding firing neurons
   % beta functions used in the model
   % time constant Tau_x and the equilibirum value x_infty
   tau=1./(alpha+beta);% 3 equations
   x_infty=alpha.*tau; % 3 equations
   % Integration with the Euler method
   x=(1-dt./tau).*x+dt./tau.*x_infty;% 3 equations
   % Calculate actual conductance g with given n,m,h
   %The internal ion current
   I=gnmh.*(V-E); % 3 equations
   %Update the membrane voltage

   %following 6 lines are new
   diff12=diff01;   %diff12 = v(t-1)-v(t-2)
   diff01=V-V0;   %diff01 = v(t-0)-v(t-1)
%   if V>30
%            t
%   end
   %Record some variables for plotting after equilibration
   if t>=0;
end % the end of time loop
plot(x_plot,y_plot); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Voltage');

meiyongyuandeze 发表于 2011-4-17 21:47

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